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2020-21 Year-End / Supplemental Funding

Posted on 07/22/2021

MOTION-- The 2020-21 Year-End Financial Status Report (FSR) includes budgetary adjustments to close out the fiscal year. These adjustments will address the budget gap attributed to the elimination of furloughs and unbudgeted pandemic related activities. It is anticipated that the Council will consider the FSR in June, but some departments require supplemental funding now to meet immediate payroll and contractual obligations.1. Transfer $10,562,236 from the Unappropriated Balance Fund No. 100/58, Account No. 580196, Reserve for Mid-Year Adjustments Account to the following funds and accounts:

TOTAL = $10,562,236

2. Transfer $245,275 from the Capital Finance Administration Fund No. 100/53, Account No. 000342, MICLA 2012-B CP Real Property Refinancing to the Bureau of Street Lighting Fund No. 100/84, Account No. 001010, Salaries General.

3. Transfer $35,000 in Sewer Capital Funds from the Bureau of Engineering Fund No.1 00/78, Account No. 001090, Overtime General to the Bureau of Engineering Fund No. 100/78, Account No. 001100, Hiring Hall Salaries.