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The Alternative to Billboard Blight

Posted on 09/25/2015

LOS ANGELES - This week, Councilmember Krekorian submitted a letter to the City Planning Commission urging them to reject the draft ordinances before them governing digital off-site signs (aka billboards) and instead to adopt an alternative plan that would reduce billboard blight and improve neighborhood services throughout the city.Krekorian is opposed to the current version of the billboard ordinances because they would allow up to 500 digital billboards to be placed on private properties across Los Angeles, possibly in residential facing locations. The plans would also give amnesty to 1,000 illegal billboards in LA neighborhoods.

His alternative is to adopt a public option that would allow a much smaller number of digital billboards on city-owned properties only and require a big reduction in existing static billboards. He is opposed to amnesty for illegal billboards - under Krekorian's plan, all would be required to come down.

Krekorian would cap the number of billboards citywide, make sure they are placed equitably throughout the city, create a way for residents to give input on where digital billboards should be placed and require an environmental review for each billboard.

This is the only kind of digital sign ordinance that would directly benefit the residents of Los Angeles by providing our communities with real control over sign placement and operations, while also potentially generating tens of millions of dollars in revenue for our city. The funds could be used for improving neighborhood services, like street resurfacing, sidewalk repair, tree trimming and public safety, and dealing with our homeless crisis.

A report on Krekorian's plan will be discussed at the next Planning Commission meeting in late October. Click here to read Krekorian's letter to the City Planning Commission.
Read the Daily News story here.