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Annual Assessment / Mayors Proposed Budget / Inequities / Service Delivery / Infrastructure Investment / Environmental Justice Impacts / Access to Programming

Posted on 05/20/2021

MOTION -- Every year, pursuant to City Charter Section 312, the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles releases a proposed budget on or before April 20. After the release of the proposed budget, the City Councils Budget and Finance Committee typically holds public hearings over the course of two weeks to discuss the proposed budget and receive public input. For at least the last eight years, those committee hearings have included presentations and feedback from City departments, Neighborhood Councils, constituents, non-profits, businesses, labor partners and more. The several week process allows the Budget and Finance Committee to solicit feedback from all stake holders and interested parties before recommendations are made to the full Council for changes in the proposed budget. The City Council adopts the new budget on or before June 1.Ultimately, budgets are a reflection of values. The decisions made by the Mayor and City Council impact housing, economic development, infrastructure, youth programming, neighborhood quality of life and the many other issues within the jurisdiction of municipal government.

Nationally, the COVID-19 global pandemic and its economic impacts have forced governments at all levels to reevaluate their programs, services and budgets. At the same time, these strains have highlighted ongoing racial inequities in many government services.

Locally, the City Council has been working to address issues of inequity and injustice for years. The City Council established the Civil, Human Rights and Equity Department to assist in ensuring that city government is taking all appropriate steps to promote equity, inclusion and justice in the delivery of city services. The Department is tasked with addressing long-standing issues impacting underserved and minority communities. The Department's mission is to maintain and strengthen Los Angeles diversity, equity, and accountability. It is important for that work to start with an evaluation of the City's annual budget.

WE THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council instruct the Civil, Human Rights and Equity Department to conduct an annual assessment of the Mayors Proposed Budget and present that assessment to the Budget and Finance Committee. The assessment should include, but not be limited to, the Departments findings regarding potential inequities in the following categories:
Service delivery
Infrastructure investment
Environmental justice impacts
Access to programming