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Bike Month in Los Angeles 2017

Posted on 05/17/2017

LOS ANGELES - May is National Bike Month and LA has a ton of fun events to get your wheels spinning. With group rides, workshops and community-hosted events, Bike Month has something for everyone.
Bike Month is a awareness campaign to promote bicycle safety and teach the community about alternative transit options. Throughout May, Metro, local organizations and the City of Los Angeles, will be partnering on numerous events, including Bike Night and Bike to Work Day -- an opportunity to leave your car at home and try commuting by bike with thousands of other Angelenos with pit stops across the county for snacks, coffee and encouragement.

While you're out on the town enjoying a bike ride, be sure to remember these important safety tips:

Wear a helmet -- it's required by law for people under 18 years of age.
Obey all traffic signals including lights and stop signs.
Ride in the same direction as traffic.
Use hand signals before turning, stopping or changing lanes, and make eye contact with drivers to signal your intent.
Ride predictably and in a straight line.
Watch for opening doors from parked cars and ride at a distance clear of them.
Do not pass a bus on the right hand side and allow plenty of room as the bus operates
If bus is pulled over at a stop, pass to the left of the bus when it is safe to do so.
Obey signs and signals at train crossings. Never attempt to cross when crossing lights and arms are activated.
Cross railroad tracks at a right angle. Avoid leaning and turning because tires can easily slip on tracks.
Lights are required for riding at night. Use lights and reflectors on both the front and back of your bike and wear reflective clothing to help drivers see you.
Riding with headphones in both ears is prohibited by law.

For more information about Bike Month events, visit