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Budget Hearings Begin Next Week

Posted on 04/22/2016

LOS ANGELES - This week, Mayor Eric Garcetti released the details of LA's 2016-2017 budget proposal. The $8.76 billion spending plan hopes to prioritize homelessness, safety and neighborhood service. Councilmember Krekorian, who chairs the city's Budget and Finance Committee, welcomed the proposal as a "solid start."
"I'm happy to see the Mayor supporting the Council's work by funding our newly created sidewalk repair program, improving the way the city serves the business community, and rebuilding the ranks of our fire department," said Councilmember Krekorian. "One area I will examine more closely during the budget hearings is the considerable commitment to fund homeless services. As we continue to chip away at the structural deficit, we have to make sure the city can pay for any new services we want to create. We also have to make sure there is an adequate plan to implement them."
Krekorian continued: "Over the past two years, we've collaborated to pass balanced budgets, invest in our infrastructure and restore neighborhood services. My priority during budget hearings this year is to make sure we end up with a fiscally responsible budget that also reflects our city's needs and values, including our pledge to improve public safety and support job growth. With this budget, we have the ability to keep the city moving in the right direction."
Beginning April 27, Krekorian will convene two weeks of budget hearings to analyze and thoroughly review every item in the proposed budget, hear from each city department and get public input on the budget and make amendments to the Mayor's proposal.