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Budgeting for Today and the Future

Posted on 04/21/2017

This week, I joined my colleagues at the annual State of the City address by Mayor Eric Garcetti, where he also discussed his fiscal year 2017-2018 budget proposal.
In the coming weeks, I will once again lead the Budget and Finance Committee in deliberations on the budget. This intense three week process will help shape our city's priorities and set the path for our future as a safer, more prosperous, sustainable, livable and well-run city.
I'm encouraged by the Mayor's budget proposal and appreciate his support for the City Council's work by continuing to fund critical sidewalk and street repair, backing more housing for the homeless, improving the way Los Angeles serves the business community and increasing our investment in public safety.
During the upcoming budget hearings, one issue I will raise with every department is the urgent need to reduce the growing cost of liability claims against the city. It is absolutely incumbent on the city as a whole to tackle this problem head on and find ways to reduce our liabilities on an ongoing basis without endangering the health of our rainy day funds. If we don't, these costs threaten our ability to provide the level of services Angelenos deserve.
Another factor we'll have to grapple with in this budget is the impact of federal funding cuts threatened by the Trump administration. Nothing is certain right now, but we have to be ready for challenges that may come so we can protect services that our communities rely on, like neighborhood public safety programs, meals for seniors and assistance for victims of domestic violence.

At a time when our nation stands divided, Los Angeles continues to lead the way as a beacon of progress and growth. We must continue to be prudent with our finances so that we have the resources we need to improve our communities.
The budget hearings will begin on Wednesday, April 26, 1pm, at City Hall. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and tell us about your budget priorities. Click here for the schedule of budget hearings.
Take a look at the proposed budget here: 2017-2018 Budget Proposal.
As always, feel free to share your comments with me at [email protected].