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Bus Lane Violations Enforcement / Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) / Metro / Automated Cameras / AB 917 (Bloom) / NextGen Bus Plan

Posted on 12/28/2021

MOTION-- In 2019, the City of Los Angeles and Metro launched a collaborative effort to implement bus speed and reliability improvements in support of the NextGen Bus Plan, which promises fast, frequent, and reliable service for Metro riders throughout Los Angeles. Most notably, the effort has resulted in new bus lanes on Flower Street, 5th Street, 6th Street, and Alvarado Street, with additional lanes planned on Grand Avenue, Olive Street, and La Brea Avenue. This rapid deployment of new bus priority infrastructure must be supported by effective enforcement to keep these lanes clear for exclusive use by buses during designated hours. Earlier this month, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB917 (Bloom), which authorizes an innovative partnership between Metro and the City to use automated cameras to enforce parking violations in bus lanes. Cameras mounted on Metros buses will be able to record violations, with citations to be issued after confirmation by Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) parking enforcement. This new approach to enforcement is expected to greatly reduce the incidence of vehicles illegally parked in bus lanes, which is a significant source of delay to buses during peak hours. LADOT should work with Metro to implement the new program as quickly as possible.

I THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council direct the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to report on the Metro-LADOT bus lane enforcement partnership, including:
-An expected timeline for implementation, including a warning period at the start of the program;
-A communications plan letting the public know about upcoming enforcement;
-Any legislative actions by Council needed to locally authorize the program;
-Any staffing and budget needed to implement the program; and
-Engagement with municipal operators to assess the feasibility of their participation in the program.