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City Council Approves Taxi Reform

Posted on 11/15/2019

This week the Council approved a motion that replaces the existing taxi franchise system with an open permitting system. I strongly believe these changes, set to be implemented in July 2020, will greatly benefit both drivers and riders.For riders, there will be a set price for trips at the start, which removes the all-too-common anxiety of watching the fare climb while being stuck in traffic or suspecting the driver is taking the long route to pad the meter.
For drivers, the new system allows greater flexibility, including making it easier for the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to more quickly on-board drivers. It will also create a more open market, which could result in reduced fares.
Another significant advantage is the adoption of a centralized dispatch system across companies, which should lead to much shorter wait times for riders.
This system will also put more taxis on the road, enabling them to better compete with Uber and Lyft, to the benefit of commuters across the city.