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City Council President’s Statement on the Passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein

Posted on 09/29/2023

“The passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein marks the end of an era in American history and the politics of California. 

“She leaves behind an enduring legacy because her career was one of courage, independence, and unyielding integrity.

“She took up the fallen reins of power in a San Francisco City Hall stained with the blood of her colleague and her predecessor.  She endured death threats and actual attempts on her life as she restored peace to a city shattered by unspeakable violence.

“In the United States Senate she was among the first to give a voice to women in rooms where their voices had been silent too long.

“In the Senate, she demonstrated indomitable leadership in the fight to take the weapons of war off our streets and out of the hands of criminals.

“She crafted the legislation that protected the awesome beauty of the desert West and preserved it for all to explore and enjoy.

“She was never afraid to part company with leaders of her own party and even her own supporters when conscience demanded.  She defied the leaders of our own defense and intelligence establishments  to lay bare the awful truth that torture was being committed by Americans under color of law and alleged military necessity.

“The representation of American women in the halls of government, from the United States Capitol to the City Council Chamber, is no longer an unusual thing, and those who were not yet born when she entered her career of public service may not fully understand the reserves of strength and courage a woman like Dianne Feinstein needed to rise to the challenges of her historic career. 

“Thank you Senator, for all you did for our state and our country.  May you rest in peace.”
