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City Officials Break Ground on Project to Clean Valley Groundwater

Posted on 01/26/2018

NORTH HOLLYWOOD - Councilmember Krekorian joined Mayor Eric Garcetti and other city officials to break ground on the North Hollywood West Groundwater Treatment Project, a $92 million project to clean up and restore the use of groundwater as a safe, high-quality source of drinking water in the San Fernando Valley.The San Fernando Valley Groundwater Basin is an aquifer that can provide drinking water to more than 800,000 Angelenos. Currently, parts of the Basin are contaminated by industrial pollution dating back to the 1940s. The decontamination project aims to restore this local source for drinking water. The North Hollywood West treatment site, the first of four planned remediation projects in the Valley, is expected to be completed by early 2020.

"This is such a high-value project for people across the City of Los Angeles," said Councilmember Paul Krekorian. "For too long, we haven't been able to utilize the San Fernando Groundwater Basin because of contamination and pollution. With the North Hollywood West Groundwater Treatment Project, Los Angeles will finally be able to take full advantage of this groundwater resource."