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Coming to the Rescue

Posted on 04/22/2016

In May 2014, the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission's homeless shelter and warehouse burned in a tragic fire in District 2. Dozens of families were displaced and the Rescue Mission had to start from square one. My City Council colleagues and I quickly partnered with business leaders and hundreds of generous community members with one mission -- to "rescue the Rescue Mission." It became a rallying cry in the Valley and far beyond. People from across the city donated money and goods, and organized dozens of fundraisers and donation drives, all to get the Rescue Mission back on its feet.We even got the LA Dodgers involved. Not only did they lead a donation drive, they provided an unforgettable experience for the affected families by inviting them to a game at Dodger Stadium and meeting the players.

These acts were emblematic of the enormous, inspiring and wildly successful community-driven campaign that allowed the Rescue Mission to open a brand new, bigger and better shelter in the San Fernando Valley just one year after the fire. It was an honor to work with the tireless Rescue Mission leadership and staff and so many community heroes to make this happen.

Because our community joined hands, the Rescue Mission was able to continue its vital work. Now, almost two years later and with the help of our generous community, the warehouse reconstruction is almost done. I am asking you to join me once again to see this mission through.

On Saturday, April 30, the Rescue Mission is holding a big "Fill TheWarehouse" event in North Hollywood to collect donations that will help families in need. The donated items will be sold in the Mission's thrift stores, which provide nearly 50% of organization's income to support the shelter and outreach services to community members who are experiencing homelessness.

San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission Fill the Warehouse Event
Saturday, April 30, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Van Nuys Customer Service Center
13422 Saticoy St.
North Hollywood

Please clean out your closets and storage and bring your donations to Fill the Warehouse onApril 30. Here's what the Rescue Mission needs: all clothing items, footwear, small appliances, belts/ties, decorative items, jewelry, computer items, handbags, books, crystal, artwork, china and linens. If you want more information about what to bring or learn about how you can get involved with the effort, you can also call the Rescue Mission at (818) 785-4476.

I sincerely hope you will give generously by answering this call to help the most vulnerable people in our community.