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Council President’s Statement on Today’s Strike

Posted on 08/08/2023

“The City’s negotiating team has been engaged in serious negotiations with the Coalition of City Unions since January, including 36 separate sessions with SEIU alone, and has already reached 76 tentative agreements with Coalition members.”

“The rising cost of living, particularly the cost of housing, is unquestionably creating financial strain on our City employees and all working Angelenos.  We need to find solutions that will address that reality and demonstrate the respect and appreciation that those who serve the public deserve, while also recognizing the very real limitations and future uncertainties of the City’s budget.”

“Although today’s work stoppage is regrettable, the City will continue to negotiate in good faith with the Coalition, and I have every confidence that we will achieve a positive outcome. Given the progress we have already made in these negotiations, and our commitment to reaching a fair deal, there is no reason to anticipate any prolonged work stoppage that would be detrimental to the people we serve.” 
