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Councilmember Krekorian's Statement on the Shooting of Valentina Orellana-Peralta

Posted on 12/28/2021

Our entire community is grieving with the family of Valentina OrellanaPeralta over this unspeakably horrendous tragedy. As a father, I am devastated to think of the pain they are experiencing, and my deepest condolences go out to them and everyone who knew and loved Valentina.Our community also holds in our thoughts and prayers the woman who was viciously and brutally attacked by the violent felon who initiated this tragic event, and we hope she has a speedy and full recovery from her injuries.
The video released yesterday is deeply disturbing. I will continue to demand nothing less than a thorough and open investigation of the entire incident that led to this horrible tragedy, including not only the shooting itself but also the communications that preceded it and the tactics utilized. The people of Los Angeles need to know exactly what happened and how it happened, and how Valentinas tragic death could have been prevented.
LAPD must not only conduct its own investigation in a manner that the people expect and deserve, but it must also fully cooperate with the California Attorney General and any other agency that is involved in determining the truth and ensuring justice. The release of the video yesterday was a good start, but it is only a start and I will continue to insist on full transparency from the department.