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Councilmembers Call for Sales Tax on Firearms and Ammo Sales

Posted on 10/14/2015

LOS ANGELES - Earlier this week, Councilmembers Paul Koretz and Paul Krekorian introduced a motion calling on the City of Los Angeles to consider enacting a sales tax on firearm and ammunition sales. The motion requests a report from city staff on the feasibility of enacting a sales tax and suggests that the money collected could be used to fund gun violence prevention research and programs throughout the city.As a precedent, Seattle, Wash., recently voted to tax firearms at $25 per gun and 2 or 5 cents per round of ammo, which they expect to bring in up to $500,000 annually, with all proceeds going toward gun violence prevention programs. Chicago passed a similar law in 2012.
"There are mass shootings daily in this country, many of which could be stopped by sound policies and better gun violence prevention programs," said Councilmember Krekorian. "Los Angeles has been a clear and consistent voice for gun safety, even as Congress has failed to act. We recently banned the possession of large capacity magazines and will soon vote on mandating safe storage of handguns at home. We can take another important step by taxing firearm and ammo sales in our city and putting those funds toward gun violence prevention programs."
The Koretz and Krekorian motion will be heard by the Budget and Safety and Public Safety committees. If the committees approves the motion, it will be considered by the full City Council and staff will be required to come back to the Councilmembers with reports. Read the full motion here.