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Crime Declines In Foothill

Posted on 01/24/2020

SUN VALLEY - The Foothill Area of the Los Angeles Police Department, which includes Sun Valley in Councilmember Krekorian's district, reported a decrease in 2019 across all major crime categories but one, Aggravated Assaults. Homicides declined nearly 45%, from nine in 2018 to five in 2019. Rape was down 28%, from 71 to 51, and Robbery decreased from 246 to 237, or 4%. Regarding property crimes, Burglaries dropped 16%, from 553 to 467, and Grand Theft Auto declined 4.2%, 901 to 863. (See accompanying chart).
Sgt. Jesse Ojeda from the Foothill station attributed the overall decline to three factors: Directed patrol, community engagement, and volunteers, who drive around in marked BMW hybrid vehicles. The volunteers are given a patrol mission prior to hitting the streets, functioning as LAPD's eyes and ears.
Sgt. Ojeda noted that LAPD officers are on a daily basis directed to areas where the probability of crime is higher, their presence serving as a deterrent.
At a time when overall crime in Los Angeles continues to decrease, Foothill Area is doing its part, and more.