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Ensuring a Safe Summer

Posted on 06/19/2017

With the Fourth of July holiday just around the corner, some of our neighborhoods are already witnessing the familiar pops and bangs of illegal fireworks exploding in the night sky. My office has received several recent reports about the possession and use of illegal fireworks in North Hollywood and Valley Glen. I have notified the Los Angeles Police Department and the Fire Department about this issue and asked them to remain watchful and to continue to educating the public about the dangers of fireworks.In light of this and in anticipation of July 4, I want to remind you that all fireworks (other than permitted shows) are illegal in the City of Los Angeles. Please do not purchase, sell or discharge illegal fireworks in the city or bring fireworks from other cities for using within Los Angeles. Possession and/or use of fireworks within Los Angeles is a violation of Municipal Code 57.5608.1.2, or Section 12677 of the Health and Safety Code.

Each year, fireworks cause horrible injuries, thousands of dollars in damage and endanger children and pets in our neighborhoods. If you witness the sale or use of illegal fireworks, please report it immediately by calling 9-1-1. You can also report it to my office at (818) 755-7676 or by emailing [email protected].

Please feel free to share this information with your friends and neighbors.