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Funding Approved for New Safety Fence in Valley Village

Posted on 12/17/2018

VALLEY VILLAGE - The City Council voted to adopt a motion introduced by Councilmember Krekorian to construct durable, permanent safety fencing in the wash beneath the Metro busway at Coldwater Canyon and Chandler. Councilmember Krekorian worked with Councilmember David Ryu to accomplish this. Over the last year, our offices have received dozens of requests for homeless outreach and encampment cleanups in and around that area. Despite carrying out those cleanups, the area has been a challenge to maintain. This motion provides funding for the creation of a wrought iron fence with a gate that will allow the city to proactively close off any openings to the city's properties where homeless encampments crop up. It will benefit residents in Council Districts 2 and 4, who live near the immediate area and are impacted by the encampments.

In addition, the motion gives the Bureau of Street Services the responsibility to maintain the fence once it is constructed. The city will also work with Metro to ensure that their busway property is maintained and remains encampment-free.