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Going for Gold in 2024

Posted on 01/30/2017

When I was on the Cleveland High School swim team, I remember day after day of exhausting laps in the pool. As we trained hard for our swim meets, one of the things that got me to push through those last meters was the sound of that unforgettable anthem of the Olympic Games.I was no Olympic athlete, but for the many athletes who train year-round for the opportunity to represent their hometowns, cities and countries, the dream of standing on the medal podium as "Bugler's Dream" resonates throughout the stadium is what drives each and every one of these individuals to push themselves further than they've ever gone before.
Los Angeles is a city with a strong Olympic tradition. It is the only city in the world that has produced two successful Summer Olympic Games, both of which resulted in substantial gains for Angelenos. As we vie for the title of host city and submit our final bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics, I am proud to say that Los Angeles is not only putting forward the strongest Olympic bid for the International Olympic Committee's consideration but one that protects the taxpayers of this city.
I've worked meticulously as a member of the Ad Hoc Committee on the 2024 Summer Olympics to ensure that Los Angeles does not put itself on the hook for unsupportable costs that don't benefit residents. As a watchdog for our financial interests, I have gone through the Host City Contract with a fine tooth comb. Having done so, and after numerous public hearings on the matter, I am confident that we are taking the necessary precautions as a city to put forward a very appealing, sustainable bid for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.
With the protections, insurance and oversight now in place in the Host City Contract, LA's third Olympic Games will no doubt produce tremendous benefits for our city once again.
The 2024 Olympic Games will connect LA's rich history with the future of this city. I believe that once LA is chosen as the site for 2024, the games will not only be a financial success, but will benefit the the city's economy, its taxpayers and its future. Los Angeles is one of the most diverse cities in the world. With this bid, we have the unique opportunity to lift the Olympic Games to new heights and inspire a new generation of athletes.Next up, the Host City Contract will go to the full City Council for a vote, after which it will be sent off to the International Olympic Committee for consideration. I will keep you updated as our bid moves forward in the months ahead.
If you have comments about LA's bid for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, please contact me: [email protected].