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Here's to the Class of 2020!

Posted on 05/18/2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all of our lives in countless ways. Too many in our community have lost loved ones. Too many have lost jobs or businesses. And too many have lost the opportunity to appropriately mark life's rites of passage and special moments.This week, I'm especially mindful of the high school seniors who will graduate without experiencing the traditions sustained over generations. No proms, no walking in a procession with classmates to "Pomp and Circumstance," no receiving that hard-earned diplomas in front of family and friends and posing for that once-in-a-lifetime picture.
Thousands of teens in my district have been forced by extraordinary circumstances to create their own improvised celebrations. Some schools may eventually conduct postponed live events to properly acknowledge the Class of 2020 for their accomplishments. Others are hosting virtual ceremonies. One thing is for sure -- the Class of 2020 has shared a unique collective experience in their senior year unlike any other class, and it will certainly be unforgettable in its own unusual way.Over the next several weeks, my office will be using our social media and this newsletter to highlight and honor this year's high school graduating classes from our district schools. We will shine a spotlight on these students who have a special place in our hearts. In the meantime, both I and my staff offer our best wishes and congratulations to the Class of 2020!