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Posted on 02/23/2024

RESOLUTION -- WHEREAS, any official position of the City of Los Angeles with respect to legislation, rules, regulations or policies proposed to or pending before a local, state, or federal governmental body or agency must have first been adopted in the form of a Resolution by the City Council; and 

WHEREAS, in 2023, according to the Point-In-Time count, the City of Los Angeles experienced a 10 percent rise in homelessness, with 46,260 people experiencing homelessness (PEH) on any given night; and

WHEREAS, starting in Fiscal Year 2019-2020, the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program was established by the State to provide jurisdictions with one-time grant funds to address the homelessness crisis; and 

WHEREAS, to date, the State has implemented five rounds of the HHAP grant with a total of $1 billion in funding statewide for round five, which will be disbursed in 2024; and 

WHEREAS, HHAP is eligible to be used for solutions to address and prevent homelessness, including programs such as rental assistance, rapid rehousing, supportive interim and permanent housing, outreach and hygiene services, regional coordination, and emergency shelters; and 

WHEREAS, the City has relied greatly on HHAP in the last few years to fund the City’s hygiene programs to support unsheltered PEH and to maintain the development of operations of the City’s multiple interim housing facilities; and 

WHEREAS, in order to address the homelessness crisis in Los Angeles, it is important to have a continuous source of funding form the State to support the City’s supportive homelessness programs; 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that by adoption of this Resolution, the City of Los Angeles hereby includes in its 2023-2024 State Legislative Program, SUPPORT, for any legislation or administrative action that would continue or increase the funding and implementation of the State’s Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention grant program.