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Hiring Hall Staff / As-Needed Staff / Salaries and Benefits / Bureau of Street Services

Posted on 08/11/2021

MOTION-- The Bureau of Street Services (StreetsLA) employs a combination of civil service, hiring hall, and as-needed staff, along with contractors, to complete its work programs. Due to attrition and vacancies in civil service positions, StreetsLA is employing additional hiring hall staff and as-needed staff to supplement its existing workforce while permanent civil service positions are being filled. Hiring Hall staff supplements StreetsLA crews working on a variety of projects including Complete Streets, Vision Zero concrete work, and the Sidewalk Repair Program. Hiring Hall staff also assist on Metro and grant-funded projects. StreetsLA requests that funds be moved to its Hiring Hall salaries and benefits accounts to cover an increase in hiring hall payroll expenditures.

Additionally, StreetsLA will be hiring As-Needed Truck Operators to meet operational demands until a Civil Service list is established and vacancies can be filled. StreetsLA requests that funds be moved to its As-Needed Salaries account to cover these expenditures.

I THEREFORE MOVE, subject to the approval of the Mayor, that the Controller be authorized to transfer $800,000 from Bureau of Street Services Fund 100/86, Account 001010,Salaries General to Bureau of Street Services Fund 100/86, Account 001100, Hiring Hall Salaries ($600,000), and Account 001120, Hiring Hall Benefits ($200,000).

I FURTHER MOVE, subject to the approval of the Mayor, that the Controller be authorized to transfer $500,000 from Bureau of Street Services Fund 100/86, Account 003030,Construction Materials to the Bureau of Street Services Fund 100/86, Account 001070, As Needed Salaries.

I FURTHER MOVE that the Council authorize and instruct the GAO and Controller to take any necessary actions and make any technical corrections to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this motion.