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Improving Homeless Services

Posted on 12/06/2019

The resignation this week of the executive director of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) affords the City the opportunity to take a closer look at an agency that has not performed to expectations during our current homelessness crisis. In 2017, voters approved a measure that allocates 355 million dollars per year for homeless services, and yet the number of people living on our streets every night continues to rise. By any standard, this is unacceptable.On Wednesday, the Council approved my motion requesting LAHSA to produce within 60 days a detailed accounting of all its funding sources, expenses by category, program, and provider, and any performance data it has collected on its programs over the past four years. This information will help the City - which administers LAHSA in tandem with Los Angeles County - to better determine how to assist the largest local agency tasked with reducing homelessness in meeting its obligations and the public's expectations.