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Jobs Committee Approves Final Recommendations

Posted on 09/02/2016

LOS ANGELES - This week the City Council's Jobs Committee, chaired by Councilmember Krekorian, reviewed the committee's report, entitled Jobs and Business Advancement in Los Angeles - An Action Plan and approved its final recommendations for a citywide jobs creation plan. The full City Council will hear the report in the coming weeks.
Over the last year, the committee has worked on the creation of a comprehensive plan that tackles economic development, creates Job and Economic Development Incentive Zones, improves the Local Business Preference Program, creates a centralized business unit and a rapid response team to assist businesses through the city's bureaucracy, creates a small business commission, and much more.

The report offers strategies and recommendations for short-term improvements to existing programs, while also establishing structured programs to support job development over the long-term. Under Councilmember Krekorian's leadership, the city is poised to adopt a unified vision to improve business development and create jobs across Los Angeles.

You can read the committee's report here:
Jobs and Business Advancement in Los Angeles - An Action Plan