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Joint Task Force to Tackle Airplane Noise Concerns

Posted on 09/02/2019

Last week, I joined the inaugural meeting of the Southern San Fernando Valley Airplane Noise Task Force, a group that was established by the Hollywood Burbank and Los Angeles World Airports to address the community concerns regarding the increased noise from aircrafts departing from Hollywood Burbank and Van Nuys airports. The 13-member body consists of local government officials, representatives for U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstien and Kamala Harris and U.S. Representatives Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman and Tony Cardenas, and staff from Federal Aviation Administration, the Burbank Glendale Pasadena Airport Authority and Los Angeles World Airports.
Over the next six month, the task force will convene regular public meetings to collaborate on solutions to existing aircraft operations affecting communities in the southern San Fernando Valley. With input from community stakeholders, the task force will propose recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration for review and consideration for immediate implementation.
Taking Action on Airplane Noise
Over the last couple of years, I'm sure you've noticed significant changes in aircraft noise impacts from the Hollywood Burbank Airport departures. During that time, I've worked closely with the community and led the charge to ensure the FAA doesn't make permanent its new, more concentrated departure flight paths from Hollywood Burbank Airport.
I have filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the FAA, asking the agency to provide the underlying data supporting the draft environmental report for the proposed Hollywood Burbank Airport flight plan and its records regarding safety risk analysis in order to provide residents with more information and ensure that this remains a fully fair and inclusive process. I have also enlisted the City Attorney to prepare a litigation strategy for possible legal action in case the City is not satisfied with the steps the FAA takes to remedy the situation. I will continue to work closely with East Valley residents, speaking at meetings with the FAA and the Airport Authority to engage our community.
Earlier this summer, I spoke at the Burbank Airport Operations Committee meeting to provide my testimony alongside the community to continue to put pressure on the FAA and the Airport Authority to engage in meaningful dialogue about the environmental, health, and quality of life concerns of the residents in the impacted communities and provide answers to the cause of this dramatic increase in noise. I've also demanded answers and solutions from the airlines themselves.
Now as Vice Chair of the new task force, I will continue to advocate for immediate solutions to mitigate the noise and represent my constituents who are gravely impacted.
I will keep you updated on this work and with any new information I receive from the FAA about this issue. As always, if you have thoughts or comments, please email me: [email protected]