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Posted on 04/08/2021

Los Angeles would achieve a 100% clean energy grid by 2035 under a proposal by City Councilmembers Paul Krekorian and Mitch OFarrell -- a full decade faster than state requirements. The Krekorian/OFarrell motion, seconded by Council President Nury Martinez, instructs the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power to present a Strategic Long Term Resource Plan that sets the 100% deadline and identifies the projects that must be implemented immediately to achieve it.The current motion builds on the work that started in 2016, when Councilmember Krekorian, along with Councilmember Mike Bonin, initiated the planning process for LAs 100% clean energy future (known as LA 100). Because of the extensive efforts we initiated five years ago, the largest municipal utility in the United States is now poised to lead the country with a genuine plan to provide 100% carbon-free electricity to its millions of customers, said Councilmember Krekorian. Now we need to take the steps necessary to execute that plan with urgency.
"The worsening climate crisis demands we take a harder look at our renewable energy goals" said Councilmember O'Farrell. "We can create a clear pathway to 100% clean energy by 2035, emphasizing resiliency, a diverse renewable portfolio, enhanced reliability, and a process informed by the interests of ratepayers every step of the way."
As a result of the 2016 Krekorian/Bonin motion, the LA Department of Water and Power launched a first-in-the-nation research partnership with the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) to plan the roadmap necessary to achieve a carbon-free electrical grid. The LADWP/NREL report, completed March 24, used sophisticated computer modeling to prove that 100% clean electricity for LADWP is feasible by 2035. The report also made clear that achieving that goal will produce tremendous benefits to public health and the local economy in Los Angeles, in addition to the significant contribution to reducing climate change.
The current Krekorian/OFarrell motion, in addition to imposing the 2035 deadline, also asks LADWP to present priority projects that can begin immediately, such as investing in new transmission lines and battery storage to bring renewable energy in the LA basin. Many of these projects may be excellent candidates for federal funding through the Biden Administrations infrastructure proposal and its focus on decarbonizing the national electrical grid.