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Posted on 09/22/2020

In response to a request from Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian and Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer, the Federal Aviation Administration has granted an extension of the comment period regarding the draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed replacement terminal at the Hollywood Burbank Airport. The FAA action means the public now has until October 27 to comment on the nearly 3,000-page document.The FAAs extension falls far short of what would be an appropriate amount of time for a project of this magnitude, said Councilmember Krekorian. Regrettably, the FAA has again missed an opportunity to demonstrate good faith to the people of the San Fernando Valley who suffer the consequences of the agencys decisions. Still, this extension does give the public three more weeks to submit comments, and I urge every resident of our community who is impacted by the airport to act swiftly to make their voices heard.
"Whether its changing flight patterns or building a new 14-gate terminal, what happens at Burbank Airport has huge implications for Valley residents quality of life," said Feuer. "We pushed the FAA for more days, but got just 21. So time is short, and I encourage every resident who cares about this issue to weigh in while you can. This is a major project and it's imperative that the FAA hear from you."
The people of Los Angeles already suffer from the aircraft noise, air pollution, ground traffic, and other environmental impacts that are generated by the airport, and this replacement terminal proposal has the potential to make those impacts worse, noted Krekorian. Because Los Angeles has no representation on the Airport Authority and no official way to influence the airports plans, it is especially important that the people of the San Fernando Valley have the right to study the proposal carefully and provide comments on how it will impact them.
The replacement terminal DEIS can be found here:
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