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LA Film and TV Production on the Rise

Posted on 10/19/2015

LOS ANGELES - Production activity in the Los Angeles region saw a significant increase this past quarter with many TV productions returning to California as a result of the expanded film and TV production tax credit. According the FilmLA's recent report, scripted TV production saw a 55 percent jump and set a new shoot day record of 4,308 days - the largest observed since 2010 - in the three-month period ending in September. Additionally, TV Drama production rose 24 percent, TV Sitcom production increased 168 percent and web-based TV increased 25.6 percent. TV pilot production also increased 31.6 percent in the last quarter.
ABC's Wicked City, Fox's American Crime Story, CBS's Code Black, and FX's American Horror Story, which previously filmed in Louisiana, have moved production to Los Angeles thanks to the state's tax credit.
"We were predicting increases in the scripted television segment, and it appears those predictions are coming true," said FilmLA President Paul Audley. "Undeniable is the influence and importance of the California Film and Television Tax Credit, which in both its old and new iteration has returned a considerable amount of work to Los Angeles."
Councilmember Krekorian authored the state's first successful film and TV tax credit when he was a state Assemblymember in 2009. He also pushed for the expanded version that was signed into law last year.