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LA Kicks Off Smart Cistern Program for Water Conservation

Posted on 11/06/2015

NORTH HOLLYWOOD - City officials unveiled a new water collection system and conservation program to reduce stormwater runoff, capture rainwater and increase our local water supply. Councilmember Krekorian joined Mayor Eric Garcetti and Supervisor Sheila Kuehl to unveil the pilot program in North Hollywood.The Storm Catcher Program - a collaborative project by the LADWP, Bureau of Sanitation and the LA County Flood Control District - is a pilot program that features a 1,320-gallon smart cistern with cloud-based software that anticipates rain and adjusts settings to prevent overflow and maximize irrigation and infiltration, a roof retrofitted to capture rainwater in an average year and a rain garden irrigated by water from the cistern, which will optimize groundwater recharge to the San Fernando aquifer.
The first pilot site was installed at the home of Council District 2 resident Carrie Wassenaar, who was one of dozens of homeowners who applied to get the free water system that was retrofitted by TreePeople.

"Our effort to conserve water is more important than ever with drought conditions still plaguing the southland," said Krekorian. "We can all do our part to reduce consumption and find new approaches to save the drop. The new stormwater capture technology - the Smart Cistern Pilot Program - will reduce runoff, and capture and use it systematically to recharge groundwater."

To learn more about the project and for tips on how to conserve water,