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LA Moves Forward with Mobility Plan

Posted on 08/18/2015

Los Angeles is a world class city with a growing population that is vibrant and increasingly diverse. Meeting the transportation and mobility needs of such a large and expansive city requires a comprehensive package of transportation strategies.Last week, the City Council approved a new transportation framework for Los Angeles, Mobility Plan 2035.
The plan proposes to develop a network of hundreds of miles of bike lanes, transit lines and pedestrian-friendly streets to help encourage more people to choose to walk, bike or take public transit, taking cars off the road in Los Angeles neighborhoods.
With an emphasis on road safety and offering more alternatives to driving, the plan aims for zero traffic deaths and encourages a shift in the way Angelenos think about getting around our city.
The specific projects listed in the plan aren't set in stone. Some are great ideas and others might need some work. All the components of the plan will be vetted fully by councilmembers, with ample opportunity for public input.
The goals of the plan are sound and, if we do it right, it should help reduce traffic, move more people efficiently throughout the city and set Los Angeles on a path towards a 21st century transportation infrastructure.
I look forward to hearing from you on how we can make Mobility Plan 2035 meet the diverse needs of our city, and increase safety for pedestrians, cyclists, bus and rail riders, and drivers. Read about the plan here, and share you thoughts by emailing me at [email protected].