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LA2050: Shaping LA's Future

Posted on 10/21/2016

LOS ANGELES - My LA2050 is giving $1,000,000 in grant money to fund projects dedicated to improving Los Angeles, and you can vote right now to help support your favorite community projects and organizations. LA2050 is an organization dedicated to civic engagement and making financial investments via the My LA2050 Grants Challenge to support individuals and organizations working to make LA the nation's best place to learn, create, play, connect and live.
All votes must be in by Oct. 25. You can vote only once in each of five categories of the My LA2050 Grant Challenge. Vote today and encourage your friends, family and neighbors to vote too.

Here are three projects to support that will help the residents of Council District 2:

Green Our LA River

Help clean up the bank of the LA River in StudioCity and address the homeless challenge.

Vote here:

New Directions for Youth Health and Recreation CenterHelp provide a fitness and creative space for high-risk youth and struggling parents who do not have access to expensive, traditional fitness centers.Vote here:

Ocean Heroes - Saving Lives Daily as a Water Rescuer

Help the Dept. of Recreation and Parks educate a new generation of youth to appreciate and respect the marine environment and introduce youth to a potential career choice in water safety.Vote here: