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LAFD Is Saving Lives

Posted on 01/15/2016

LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles Fire Dept. reported a 54 percent drop in structure fire-related fatalities in 2015. The statistic accounts for 11 structure fire-related civilian deaths last year.In 2014, the LAFD developed the Smoke Alarm Field Education (SAFE) Program as a result of a series of fire-related fatalities. The program is deployed immediately following a serious injury or fatality residential structure fire. Teams of LAFD firefighters canvas homes in the affected neighborhood to provide safety information, check existing smoke alarms, and distribute new smoke alarms and batteries to households in need. In 2015, the LAFD also partnered with MySafe:LA, a non-profit fire and life safety organization.
In addition to the smoke alarm program, the LAFD Community Risk Reduction Section will soon roll out a new CPR education campaign and a safety assessment program to reduce injuries among the elderly.
Councilmember Krekorian, who chairs the Budget and Finance committee, has led the effort to restore fire services, improve the department's resources and response times and ensure greater public safety. In the 2015-2016 fiscal year, the City Council approved an additional $55 million for the LAFD, including millions for fire safety equipment, more ambulences and technology upgrades.