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Lankershim Boulevard / Oxnard Boulevard / Burbank Boulevard / Jobs and Economic Development Incentive (JEDI) Zone

Posted on 11/29/2021

MOTION-- The Jobs and Economic Development Incentive (JEDI) Zone program provides economic development incentives within specific geographies of the City that aim to both promote and expand business in Los Angeles. Businesses located in these zones are eligible to obtain a variety of incentives including case management of the City development permit process, permit fee reductions, business consulting, and faade improvements, among others.Pursuant to the JEDI Zone policy, zones must meet primary or secondary eligibility criteria, be reviewed by the Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD), and receive approval from the City Council and Mayor. Once the request to form a JEDI Zone is received, EWDD will conduct a baseline assessment of the area based on the qualifying criteria. Requests will be processed in the order received. If a proposed JEDI Zone is found to be eligible, EWDD will analyze the area under the secondary needs criteria to assign priority areas within the proposed zone.Highest priority within an eligible zone will be assigned to areas meeting more of the secondary needs criteria in comparison to other areas within the same zone. After completing the baseline and secondary needs assessments, EWDD will submit a transmittal to the City Council with findings and recommendations concerning the creation of the zone. Established zones will expire after five years unless extended for an additional five years. The maximum duration of a JEDI Zone will be 10 years.

Lankershim Boulevard is part of the Citys Great Streets program and will receive numerous streetscape upgrades over the coming years to make the street more accessible, safe, and beautiful. The area is also part of the federal Opportunity Zone program, which makes it attractive for long-term investment. The JEDI Zone program presents an opportunity to leverage these infrastructure and real estate investments with incentives to the businesses of Lankershim Boulevard, to create a revitalized, dynamic sense of place in North Hollywood. The areas inclusion in the Opportunity Zone satisfies theprimary criteria for a JEDI Zone establishment.

I THEREFORE MOVE that the Economic and Workforce Development Department bedirected to evaluate the following area as a JEDI Zone and report to the Council with findings andrecommendations on creation of the zone:

The businesses located on Lankershim Boulevard, with the northern boundary of Oxnard Street and the southern boundary of Burbank Boulevard.