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Los Angeles Fire Department / Funds Transfer / Sworn Overtime / Omicron Variant Surge / Emergency Recall

Posted on 06/01/2022

MOTION-- The Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) has committed sworn resources to numerous fire incidents since July 1, 2021. Major response efforts including the Dixie, Monument and Caldor fires have significantly drawn upon LAFD resources and burdened the Sworn Overtime account.The Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) has committed sworn resources to numerous fire incidents since July 1, 2021. Major response efforts including the Dixie, Monument and Caldor fires have significantly drawn upon LAFD resources and burdened the Sworn Overtime account. Expenditures have been further escalated, particularly in recent months, from the deployment of sworn members on emergency recall to fill field vacancies throughout the City for various reasons, among them an Omicron variant surge in December and January among the ranks. Recalls are activated when the department cannot fill field posts through additional assigned hire or voluntary overtime. This overtime is also billed to the Sworn Overtime account. Although adjustments have been requested in the upcoming Midyear Financial Status Report (FSR), these extraordinary expenditures have resulted in depletion of the Sworn Overtime account prior to the release and consideration of that report. Hence, the Department will experience a payroll shortfall for the pay period ending March 12, 2022.

Council approval is urgently needed to expedite the necessary transfer of funds to balance salary accounts. LAFD will transfer $600,000 from Sworn Salaries to Sworn Overtime. As a transfer between accounts, this action will not affect fiscal impact assessments in the Midyear FSR.

I THEREFORE MOVE that City Council, subject to approval of the Mayor, authorize the Controller to transfer $600,000 within Fund 100, as follows:

Fund Account From: 100/38 001012, Salaries
Sworn To: 100/38 001092, Overtime Sworn Amount $ 600,000 $ 600,000

I FURTHER MOVE that the Fire Department be authorized to prepare Controller instructions for any technical adjustments, subject to approval of the City Administrative Officer, and that the Controller be authorized to implement the instructions