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Mayor Signs Budget that Strengthens Los Angeles

Posted on 05/26/2017

LOS ANGELES - Councilmember Krekorian joined Mayor Garcetti at the signing of LA's fiscal year 2017-2018 budget. The $9.2 billion spending plan builds on the city's ongoing work to restore community services, fix streets and sidewalks, prioritize housing and services to resolve homelessness issues, and improve public safety through safer roads. "Unlike the regressive budget proposal unveiled in Washington, DC, this week, I'm proud to say that our local government in Los Angeles is doing everything possible to serve our residents and strengthen our city," said Councilmember Krekorian, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee. "Thanks to the vision and leadership of Mayor Garcetti, we have delivered a $9.2 billion budget that is healthy, fiscally responsible and keeps Los Angeles on a path of progress by making major investments in traffic safety, housing and resources to reduce homelessness, and police and fire services. We are taking care of fundamental neighborhood issues that will improve the quality of life for all Angelenos."
"This budget isn't just a spending plan--it's an expression of our values," said Mayor Garcetti. "We're making change that Angelenos can see and feel in their neighborhoods, and charting an ambitious course to the future we have imagined together. I'm grateful to my Council colleagues for their hard work and collaboration on a budget that moves us closer to realizing our shared vision for this city."