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Metro Launches Awareness Project to Protect Bus Operators

Posted on 05/17/2017

LOS ANGELES - This week, Metro announced the launch of a new public awareness campaign to prevent bus operator assaults.
Bus operators are tasked with the important job of getting bus riders where they need to go safely, professionally and on time. In 2016 alone, there were more than 330 million bus boardings throughout the system. Almost all riders show the utmost respect for bus operators, but, on occasion, bus operators are the victims of physical and verbal abuse.

According to Metro, there were 121 operator assaults last year. The majority of bus operator assaults involve fares or a missed stop. The campaign reminds customers of the legal repercussions of criminal behavior targeting operators, including a $10,000 fine.

Next time you go Metro, make sure to be kind to the women and men who operate the buses. They play and important role in our city and our daily lives.