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Metro to Study Restructuring Bus System

Posted on 05/26/2017

LOS ANGELES - Metro announced plans to embark on a three-year study to reimagine and restructure the region's bus system. The study will look at the system's 170 bus lines, 2,200 buses, and 15,000 stops.Although Metro's bus ridership remains the second highest in the country, ridership on its sprawling regional bus system has dipped in recent years. The last major study of the bus system was completed in the 1990s. Metro is also partnering on a concurrent study with 16 of the largest bus agencies in LA County to develop a plain to retain current riders, reclaim past riders and recruit new riders.
"When Metro last did a top to bottom review of its bus system, the San Fernando Valley had no rail lines and the Orange Line didn't exist," said Councilmember Krekorian, a member of Metro's Board of Directors. "We now have an entirely new transit landscape, which will continue to change and grow in the years ahead thanks to the passage of Measure M. It is the right time to begin taking a fresh look at the bus system and make sure we are doing everything we can to serve the needs of Valley commuters in the 21st Century."
The bus system study will begin January 2018 and is planned for completion by April 2019, when researchers will present their findings and recommendations, followed by public hearings and consideration by the Metro Board.