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More Funding For Homeless Outreach In CD2

Posted on 02/14/2020

Significant action has been taken to assist the almost 1,700 unsheltered homeless individuals that live in Council District 2. To meet the needs of those who are unsheltered, the District is developing two A Bridge Home shelters (13160 Raymer Street and 7700 Van Nuys Boulevard), as well as a Navigation Center at 11839 Sherman Way to provide storage and services to those in need. In addition, over 200 units of Proposition HHH permanent supportive housing units are anticipated to open over the next couple years. While these facilities will be instrumental in empowering residents, more needs to be done to meet the urgent needs of those living on the streets. One such need includes outreach to enroll individuals in the Coordinated Entry System and to provide connection to services and shelter. Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT) provide this assistance and also include specialized services such as health, mental health, substance abuse, and case management.

As a complement to these efforts to assist unsheltered residents in the East San Fernando Valley, $450,000 of the State's Homeless, Housing, Assistance and Prevention program grant funds should be used to fund an MDT team that connects homeless residents in Council District 2 to the housing, shelter, and services currently being developed.
I THEREFORE MOVE that Council instruct the City Administrative Officer and the Chief Legislative Analyst to submit to the Homeless Strategy Committee a request of $450,000 from the State's pending Homeless, Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program grant for a Multi-Disciplinary Team to conduct outreach and to assist unsheltered homeless residents in Council District 2.

PAUL KREKORIAN Councilmember, 2nd District