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Neighborhood Council Community Beautification Program

Posted on 11/15/2019

Councilmember Paul Krekorian is pleased to announce that grant funding is now available for Neighborhood Council beautification projects in Council District 2.
Download a copy of the application here.Grants are made possible through CD2's discretionary funds to provide Neighborhood Councils within the district resources for community-driven projects that enhance and strengthen our neighborhoods. All projects are initiated, planned and implemented by community members in partnership with Councilmember Krekorian's office. Every award is matched by neighborhoods or communities resources of volunteer labor, donated materials, donated professional services or cash.
Grants are not guaranteed and are not designed to reimburse an existing, completed project, but rather encourage a new project that would have not have otherwise occurred without the assistance of the matching grant.
Who Should Apply: Neighborhood Councils in CD 2 (Greater Valley Glen, Mid-Town North Hollywood, North Hollywood Northeast, North Hollywood West, Studio City, Toluca Lake, Sun Valley, Valley Village and Van Nuys) who want to do a project within the district to build stronger connections in their neighborhood.
We encourage Neighborhood Councils to partner with other organizations within their target area, such as Neighborhood Watch groups, schools and community-based organizations.
What type of projects will be funded? Proposals should be for physical improvements, including landscaping projects, neighborhood markers, tree plantings, benches, planters, curb cuts, signs, trash receptacles, murals and art. Projects must be visible, provide a public benefit and be located in places such as street medians, parkways, walls visible to the public or municipal property. Permission must be obtained in advance by the property owner before funds will be granted. Additional review may also be required by city staff, including the City Attorney's office, prior to granting approval.
Funding: Each Neighborhood Council may apply for multiple projects, however, the total dollar amount requested for all projects may not exceed $10,000 per Neighborhood Council per fiscal year. All projects must be completed before any additional applications are accepted for the following fiscal year. Funds will be disbursed upon meeting all required written authorizations through the Department Of Neighborhood Empowerment. Project applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Funds may be used for: Professional Services directly related to the implementation of the project, materials and supplies, and equipment rental and/or purchase of tools.
The match: The grant requires that a valid match is contributed through the Neighborhood Council in the form of payment for materials and services from their appropriated funds.
Review Criteria: Applications will be rated on the following criteria: Realistic budget, appropriate match, timeline to complete project, maintenance plan secured, public benefit of the project, property owner permission secured and project is realistic.
Notification: Funding notification generally will be within three weeks of application submission. Notification may be accompanied by contingencies that must be met prior to accessing funds.
Application Submittal: When completed, email the attached application to Jackie Keene at [email protected].
Download a copy of the application here.