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New City Council Unanimously Elects Krekorian As Council President

Posted on 01/04/2023

On December 12, a newly elected Los Angeles City Council held its first meeting, including its five new members. As one of its first orders of business, the Council unanimously elected Paul Krekorian to continue to serve as Council President. Councilmember Krekorian had previously been elected to serve as President in October, following the resignation of Nury Martinez. The Council also unanimously elected Councilmember Curren Price to serve as Council President Pro Tempore.
For the first time in the Citys history, six of the fifteen Councilmembers are women. Four of the five new members are entirely new to City government.
At a time when our city has endured agonizing controversy and contentiousness, we now have a tremendous opportunity to turn a new page with this new City Council, said Council President Krekorian. Im honored that the members have entrusted me to help lead us into a new era that will be marked by greater accountability, effectiveness and collaboration in City Hall.