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Online Comment Period Open for Southeast Valley Community Plans

Posted on 10/18/2019

EAST VALLEY - Have you shared your thoughts and ideas on the proposed concepts for the Southeast Valley Community Plans? If not, you can now share your feedback via the online comment portal through November 1.The materials from the recent concept workshops are now available online, where residents can view them and leave a comment. Once all responses have been received, the Planning Department will work to post the summaries to the Southeast Valley Community Plan Updates website.
In July and August, the department's Southeast Valley Community Plans Unit hosted four Concept Workshops to reveal proposed land use concepts for communities in the Southeast Valley. The events were open house-style, and offered the opportunity for the public to provide direct feedback and ask questions. In addition to land use concepts, the workshops featured information about:

The Community Plan Update process and community outreach;
Transit investment coming to the Southeast Valley and how the Community Plans will respond;
Access and improvements to waterways;
Information about the City's New Zoning Code and the refined tools it offers to achieve Community Plan goals;
A review of Historic Resources identified through a citywide historic survey, and tools to preserve them through the Community Plans Update.

If you have any questions, please visit or email [email protected]