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Oxnard and Radford Refuge Island Project / Council District 2 / Street Furniture Revenue Fund

Posted on 03/11/2022

MOTION-- I THEREFORE MOVE that $1 5,000 in the Council District Two portion of the StreetFurniture Revenue Fund 43D, Dept. 50 be transferred and appropriated to the Street Services FundNo. 100-86, Account No. 1010 (Salaries - General) for the Oxnard/Radford Refuge Island Projectin Council District 2.I FURTHER MOVE that the City Clerk be directed to place on the Council Agenda for July 1,2022, or soon thereafter as possible, the following recommendations for adoption:

Transfer and appropriate $104,236 in the Council District Two portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund 43D, Dept. 50 to the Street Services Fund No. 100-86 as follows:
$67,753 to Account No. 1010 (Salaries - General), $31,271 to Account No. 3030(Construction Materials), and $5,212 to Account No. 6020 (Operating Supplies).

I FURTHER MOVE that the Bureau of Street Services be authorized to make any corrections,clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including and new instructions,in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion, and including any corrections and changes to fundor account numbers; said corrections, clarifications or changes may be made orally, electronicallyor by any other means.