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Phasing Out Oil & Gas Wells

Posted on 01/14/2022

In 2022, Councilmember Krekorians landmark motion to make oil and gas production a nonconforming land use throughout the city, and to ban all new oil and gas drilling, is expected to be taken up by the full Council. Today, there are more than 5,000 active or idle oil wells in the City of Los Angeles. Atmospheric emissions and ground contamination from these facilities have long presented a serious health hazard to the surrounding neighborhoods. Communities of color suffer disproportionately from these harms, including higher rates of asthma, emphysema and other heart and lung disorders.
In the citys most recent budget, Councilmember Krekorian ensured that the city would have staff to oversee the fossil fuel producers phase out and safe closure of existing wells. The City is also participating in a task force with the County that will assist displaced workers in transitioning to good jobs in other industries.
Last year, following Krekorians motion, the County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to ban new fossil fuel drilling in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. Soon the Los Angeles City Council will have the opportunity to dramatically accelerate the transition to a cleaner, healthier and more efficient energy economy for our entire region.