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Port of Los Angeles / California Air Resources Board / Shipping Backlog / Port Pollution / Emissions Reduction

Posted on 01/13/2022

MOTION-- The combined Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are the biggest in the Western Hemisphere. Due to the shipping backlog as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, air pollution emanating from the ports has grown exponentially. A recent report by the California Air Resources Board found that emissions at the Ports has increased by75% since 2019 resulting in an additional 20 tons of smog producing nitrogen oxides a day. The report also found that particulate matter emissions from ships experienced a 2,500 fold increase. This situation could last for several more months with some experts saying it is the new normal. The backlog will particularly impact children as well frontline communities that already disproportionately suffer from pollution. It also threatens to reverse a decade's long decline in air pollution in our region.
As the nation's premier gateway for international commerce, Los Angeles has an obligation to quickly and efficiently clear the backlog of goods at the Port. However, we must also ensure that this is done in a way that protects the health of our residents.

I THEREFORE MOVE to direct the Port of Los Angeles to immediately develop and implement new protocols to mitigate the impacts of the backlog and reduce pollution at the Port. This includes:
-Facilitating greater operational efficiency by reducing turn times of ships and trucks and equipment use.
-Promote on dock rail
-Vessel speed reduction
-Expedite the introduction of zero emissions equipment
-Collaborate with the Pacific Maritime Association, Pacific Merchant Shipping Association, Maritime Exchange of Southern --California, and member companies to support and refine the new queuing process for container vessels.
-Collaborate with local trucking associations to improve unloading and movement to finals destinations.

I FURTHER MOVE to have the Port of Los Angeles report back every 30 days on efforts to reduce emissions until the backlog has been reduced t? historical average wait times to unload or dock at berth.