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September is Rail Safety Month

Posted on 09/02/2016

LOS ANGELES - This September, Councilmember Krekorian joins Metrolink in kicking-off Rail Safety Month, a month-long campaign to promote rail safety awareness and how to make your transit experience safe and efficient.Railroad safety is important for everyone. Whether you're a passenger, driver or pedestrian, here are some helpful tips to avoid hazards when near a railroad crossing:

Look both ways and listen before crossing the tracks. Expect a train at any time and from either direction.
Avoid dangerous distractions such as texting, loud music or headphones that would prevent you from hearing an approaching train.
Never run on or toward the station platform and always stay behind the line at train stations. Enter or exit a station platform at designated areas.
Train tracks, bridges and yards are private property. Never walk, bike, skateboard or run on or along the tracks; it's illegal and dangerous. Cross only at designated rail crossings.
Don't ever try to "beat" a train. An approaching train is closer and moving faster than you think. Wait until the gates are up and lights have stopped flashing, they may be down for a train approaching in the other direction.
See something? Say something. Report suspicious packages, activities, and/or persons by calling 911, or 800-371-5465.

Do not walk on or near rails or climb on railroad cars.
Do not get trapped on a railroad crossing. Never drive onto a railroad crossing until you are sure you can clear the tracks. If your vehicle stalls on a crossing, get everyone out of the vehicle and off the tracks immediately.
When crossing the railroad tracks on foot, always cross the railroad crossing and obey all signs and signals.

For more information about how you can stay safe, visit