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Team Krekorian Serves Seniors in Need

Posted on 04/05/2020
Bernardi Center

LOS ANGELES - In early March, before the Mayor's Safer at Home program, a member of Councilmember Krekorian's staff contacted the Bernardi Multipurpose Senior Center in Van Nuys to see if it might need assistance delivering meals to seniors.The center normally provides a daily lunch at the site. But with its closure due to COVID-19 that would no longer be possible.

At the same time, the staff member learned that primarily for health reasons a number of the center's regular volunteers were staying home, resulting in a shortage of people available to deliver meals. Seniors who normally availed themselves of this service were now facing the prospect of missing lunch altogether.

Councilmember Krekorian's office moved in to fill the gap. For the past two weeks, Team Krekorian has arrived at the center daily at 10:30 a.m. to deliver healthy meals throughout the service area. They plan to continue providing this service as long as their assistance is needed.