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Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) / Citys Mobility Data Specification (MDS) / Transportation Services Hiring / Verifiable Data Collection

Posted on 02/09/2022

MOTION-- The Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) regulates for-hire transportation services in the City of Los Angeles. The Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) regulates for-hire access to airport property including passenger terminals and parking facilities. Coordination and complementary regulation amongst the two agencies are paramount to achieve the City's various surface transportation regulation among the two agencies are paramount to achieve the City's various surface transportation goals, including environmental sustainability, equitable service, and fair employment. LADOT is in the final stages of implementing a modernized taxicab regulatory system to improve customer service and increase the availability of taxicabs for travel in the Los Angeles region. To improve accuracy and accountability, LADOT will require more precise and verifiable data collection via the City's Mobility Data Specification (MDS). Implementation of MDS will allow the City, including both LADOT and LAWA, to have reliable data about for-hire transportation that is essential for program management, planning, and policy making.

Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) are regulated by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) and are therefore exempt from LADOT oversight. While State law broadly preempts LADOT from regulating TNCs, it explicitly allows airport agencies to regulate ground transportation services accessing the airport. LAWAs regulatory objectives include managing TNC-related congestion and reducing the environmental impact of airport-related travel. The use of MDS would improve LAWAs ability to manage airport access in real time and deepen LAWAs understanding of travel behavior, including origin-destination clusters, travel time and price sensitivity, and relative competitiveness of greener transportation options. Therefore, LAWA should exercise its authority to require precise and verifiable data from TNCs in order to better manage its complex ground transportation needs. Furthermore, LAWA should coordinate with LADOT to ensure that this data is provided in a similar manner as for taxicabs to establish uniformity across all for-hire transportation data collected by City agencies.

WE THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council request Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA)to report in 60 days with plans to require TNCs and other applicable for-hire transportation services to report data using the City's Mobility Data Specification (MDS).

WE FURTHER MOVE that the City Council request LAWA to consult with LADOT to assess whether any technical updates to LAWAs taxicab regulations are necessary to support the implementation of LADOTs new' open permitting system.