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Taking Action to Protect Neighborhood Trees

Posted on 06/05/2015

LOS ANGELES - Last month, Councilmember Krekorian introduced a motion to protect the city's large urban forest of mature street trees, thousands of which are removed each year due to private development and new construction. The motion instructs city departments, including the Planning Dept., the Dept. of Building and Safety, and the Bureau of Street Services Urban Forestry Division to study and adopt new policies that force developers to consider existing street trees before plans for new garages, driveways and curb cuts are approved.Councilmember Krekorian also wants to make sure that city construction standards are not compelling developers to remove the trees. Once the motion is approved, there will be a much higher level of scrutiny when a developer requests to remove mature trees. "Our urban forest needs to be protected and preserved, said Krekorian. "These trees enhance our neighborhoods and are an integral part of our city's ecosystem. Expediting this citywide policy is a top priority for me. I will do everything I can to push it forward so that we can preserve and protect the trees that make our communities unique and beautiful."
Click here to read the motion.