To discuss a neighborhood issue, concern or leave a comment, please fill out the form below or email
For more immediate assistance, we can be reached by phone at (213) 473-7002 and (818) 755-7676.
Need to request a service? Contact a City department? My office is here to help! Click here to request a service through the city's 311 system. You can also download the My311 app on your smart phone to request a service from your mobile device.
Community Beautification
Neighborhood Councils interested in applying for a matching grant form the Community Beautification program can find details and an application form here.
Charter Bus Request
To assist nonprofits, schools, and senior organizations in his district, Councilmember Nazarian sets aside a limited amount of funds each year to provide special bus transportation to events or outings.
Sponsorship Request
Councilmember Adrin Nazarian will consider event sponsorships either by contributing to street closure fees to the Bureau of Street Services or by helping offset costs.